Donnerstag, Februar 08, 2007

An Angle has arrived - 1000

this´ll probably be my last scribble-a-day...

Dienstag, Februar 06, 2007

Videolink: reality™linerider-video


(this is the way, i will publish videolinks from now on, here @ original reality™blog)

Opium for the masses, opium for your eyes.

might be the decor of a coffecup.
(this was no request for drug (ab)use...)

i re-activated the non-moderated comment-function. you are free to comment. did you know that? DO it!
although, i must admit, it´s even funnier to be my own single reader/cemmentwriter myself.

Montag, Februar 05, 2007

...the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

hi! this guy might remind you of someone from the past. no, it´s not. it´s really™ someone of the present time. not a certain man, but a lil' braindisease in all of us.

can easily be cured by and with consciousness. :)