Dienstag, April 25, 2006

funky anagramm lesson (skylounge farms manna, lakes orgasm funnyman, ...)

realitytwister (2 words)=
sweatily triter, waister tritely, treatise twirly, serrate wittily,
sweatily ritter, waister littery, treaties twirly, attester wirily,
wristy literate, twister tearily, iterates twirly, serial twittery,
wristy laterite, twister reality, irritates wetly, sailer twittery, ...
36 results

realitytwister (3 words)=
wristy telia ret, wristy tiler ate, wristy tile rate, wristy trial tee, wristy liter tea, wristy itel tear, sweatily trit re, wristy trail tee, wristy liter eat, wristy itel tare, wristy tailer et, wristy tail tree, wristy title era, wristy elite rat, ...
500 results

it´s so funny, look here at the anagramm generator
and create your own in 8 languages!

Montag, April 24, 2006


hello fellas ... i recently posted the link: blog: diary of an affair
now it is gone! simply away! offline!
here´s the whole brutal story:
there some gal named "anja" blogged a few posts about the feelings for a friend that have grown beyond friendship...
she said that she cant do this and that she loves her husband, but she continued that she will get access to a "summerhouse" where she could meet the friend... this rendezvous should have happenend this weekend.
i then posted that i am so curious about how this would develop further and that i can´t see the point that someone would be so dumb posting this whole story to the public in a blog.
since i was the only one replying to her blog and now it disappeared i come to the conclusion, that it was me who destroyed this blog!

"and that´s the bottom line",stone cold steve austin

it´s not the bottom line ... the blog is online again!!!
my comments are gone and comments seem to be disabled. is this a fake ???

Sonntag, April 23, 2006

Comic Trip: Marvellous Videos

i confess i just ripped the two videos from the spanish comic site i linked to lately.

Freitag, April 21, 2006

real MAGIC, no TRICKS !

Proven: FlashEmbedding is easy!